Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mama's Log: 2/14/13- AKA Valentine's Day

I know there are couples out there who really "do up" the Valentines Day thing.  There's hearts, flowers, candy and gifts.  There's a million "I love you's" and "You're so important to me, I can't imagine my life without you's"
I am not against Valentine's Day.  I always thought it was great when I was younger, because all of those things were going to happen.  My boyfriend was going to make time for me and we would do something together we both enjoyed and of course...the one thing that has always mattered most to me: The millions of "I love you's"
I've been with the hubs many years now.  Every morning that I wake up, it's with his hand running through my hair or caressing my shoulder saying "Good morning beautiful."  When my half asleep self meets up with him again in the kitchen, where he has my coffee all made, he kisses me and wraps his arms around me and asks: "How did you sleep, babylove?"  Whenever he's out, if he sees something he thinks would bring a smile to my face, he brings it home to me.  He thanks me for every little thing I do.  He praises my beauty, my intellect, my sense of humor and my mothering skills, at every turn.  I always try to do the same for him.
I guess what I'm trying to say, is that my husband and I have tried to make every day of our lives together "Valentine's Day"...and I'm not sure there's a card, a candy or a gift that could make me feel that today is any better, any different or that I'm more loved, than any other day.
I thank you for reading this bit of mush.  I hope that you all have a wonderful day, whether you're with someone or single.  Love from anyone is worth celebrating.
<3 Mama

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